What an incredible story - peoples experiences of life as a JW never cease to amaze me - it is incredible to think that we can survive these trials and still come out the other side with any faith left intact at all.
I understand completely what you say concerning the children - mine used to hate being dragged along to meetings, they would get so bored listening to all the adult conversation, there was so little that applied to them. Who could blame them for getting fidgety and restless and making a noise? I used to get so angry with the elders when they critisized us parents for letting our children run around after the meeting - all they were doing was stretching their legs and letting off a little steam and yet they were really scolded by the elders for just doing what normal little children do. They were expected to act like adults - so unfair. Also I used to get filthy looks if my son fell asleep at the meeting as he used to snore extremely loudly... the looks I used to get... how could they honestly expect a two year old to stay awake past 9 oclock at night??
I found most of them there to be very intolerant.
I found your point about your faith very interesting - my husband, who left at the same time as I did, last November, is experiencing the same thing - a stronger faith now than ever before despite being in the JWs for 25 odd years. At long last he is able to examine his faith and read all the books he wants, bible commentaries and essays, etc. and he is at last able to explore his own beliefs. It is very enlightening and exciting to be able to make your own decisions and come to your own conclusions without having to adhere to the teachings of the WT society. He is definitely more interested in his spiritual side now than he ever was before. As for me... I'm working on it!
It is so obvious what a threat the internet is to the society, there is so much real truth to be found here, nothing is hidden, they can be fully exposed here, their hypocrisy is revealed. People have the chance to come together to share their stories and encourage and upbuild each other, you realise that you are not alone. I dread to think how I would have coped in those early days after I disassociated if I have not been able to come here and gain encouragement, even by lurking I was able to be strengthened and keep up my resolve.
Take care Tammie and enjoy being free.